This one's for the gals of a certain age, and anyone else interested in better understanding the big M., and a really effective way of lessening the effects.
Menopause (meno is month in Greek), affects every lady transitioning between child bearing years and the twilight years. It can be triggered by hysterectomy, certain medications, treatments of other underlying conditions and even grief. It can last months, and in many instances years.
While our female bodies prepare for the next stage of life, we may suffer from headaches, hot flashes, night sweats, day sweats, moodiness, tiredness, hair growth, where hair didn't grow before, overwhelming emotions, weight gain or loss, and just an overall feeling of blah. (many more symptoms; these are the most common).
The good news is, our periods finally end, and so will the natural, and often troublesome symptoms women face during menopause.
When I was on a vitamin kick that started in the 80's, and that actually lasted decades, I started taking a variety of plant extracts. I took one at a time, each for a few weeks, in order to combat period cramps. Some extracts were slightly effective, but nothing truly helped. I didn't want to take otc analgesics, like Tylenol, because it has it's own negative effects on the body, including liver and stomach issues.
Anyways, in the mid- late 90's, I started taking Evening Primrose Oil as one of the plant oils I tested for eczema, and after about 2 weeks of use, not only was my skin issue healing, my cramps completely stopped. I honestly didn't know what to make of it, but I wasn't going to stop. I faithfully took 1000mg each morning and night for the following 10 or so years, with great success. My eczema never returned and cramps were a thing of the past.
Fast forward to the 2010's: I was in my early 40's, and as things go with most women, my cycle was off kilter, sporatic, often skipping 2 or 3 months, And the cramps were back, along with sudden onset of random flashes of heat, even in the freezing cold of winter.

There was no way I was putting up with this, so I started taking Evening Primrose Oil again. Believe me when I say, it was one of the most intelligent things I'd ever done. I don't think my peri-menopause symptoms lasted longer than 2 or 3 weeks. I was stunned. I'd watched my mother suffer for over a decade. We'd be visiting her, and without warning, in the middle of conversation, she'd turn beet red and head for the solarium, with the windows wide open, dead of winter! I suggested that she may want to try Evening Primrose, but she was on cancer meds and didn't want to risk negative interactions. She literally suffered horrible menopausal symtoms until she died, in 2015.
I continued my daily regimen of 2000mg a day, and less than 6 months after she died, my body completely stopped menstruating, no symptoms, no hot flashes, no nothing. Just done. I took Evening Primrose for another 6 or so months, and by that point figured it was no longer offering benefits.
I've done a lot of studying on the subject since, and it's quite extraordinary how many blind studies have been done on the correllation between menopause and Evening Primrose, all around the world in the past decade, with exceptionally positive results.

I'm not a doctor, I have no formal medical training and I'm not advising you to run out and buy Evening Primrose oil. I trust science implicitly, and I trust the researchers. I also trust my body, and choose to not used pharmaceuticals, unless urgently required.
I am this providing information that was beneficial for me, in the hope that you'll do your own research, ask your physicians, and make your own informed decisions on what's best for you and your menstrual health.
If you do decide to try this method, ensure your oil is non gmo, organic and from a reputable source. You want it to be as pure as can be.
Best of luck, gals! Turn the heat off, naturally 😊

*image above - One of the most beautiful, bee attracting plants from Mother Nature, Evening Primrose in bloom.