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Writer's picture: WendyWendy

5 minutes of berry picking yielded 3 lbs of currants, blueberries and raspberries this morning. Only a week or 2 left before I let the birds take over.

For less than a $20 investment, just 17 years ago, and I've been perpetually blessed with abundance ever since. I've picked approx 60lbs combined this year; All in my tiny urban yard...and that's just berries that I've dedicated 20' of fence for!

I opted out of planting conventional veggies such as tomatoes & cukes this season, in lieu of more herbs, like chamomile, lemon balm, basil and comfrey, all of which are utilized in my products.

Lily pods (that are used unopened, for scrumptious tempura dipped snacks), green onions and other edible and/or useful herbs, and last but not least, a GIANT, mutant 'miniature' sunflower, that's surpassed the height of my 6' fence by 2'. I normally plant them, but they're generally pretty sprawling, so I opted not to plant this season, and have allowed his big fella, more than likely a seed that self sowed and overwintered in the garden from last year, to flourish unencumbered.

The heat and rain we've had in Southern Ontario has been a blessing too. The garden is thriving, AND the pollinators are back!! They'd been virtually absent for close to a month. This morning I encountered honey bees, bumblebees, butterflies (swallowtails, monarchs and cabbage whites), and a dragonfly over my pond, in the span of 15 minutes.

It's been a stressful week overall, but what a Peaceful morning I've had. I needed that small amount of time, surrounded by the wonders of nature. Relaxing and focussing on the small things that make my journey better, happier and more peaceful. A short time reconnecting with the gifts provided by Mother Nature and our bee-utiful planet❤️🐝

The older I get, the more conscious and cognizant I am that it's the little things in life that bring me the greatest Joy, like the smiling bluejay above, and I hope they do for each of you as well! 🤗

Have a Bee-utiful and Wonderfilled Day EveryOne.


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